NOSE Kengo
NOSE Kengo
TEL: 03-6868-3050
FAX: 03-6747-6862
Daini Tokyo Bar Association
Dai-ni Tokyo Bar Association
FAX: 03-6747-6862
Daini Tokyo Bar Association
Dai-ni Tokyo Bar Association
We specialize in dispute resolution related to intellectual property and contract law to facilitate smooth business operations. We also welcome consultations regarding international transactions.
Education / Work
- 2015 Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Osaka University
- 2017 Completed Hitotsubashi University Law School
- 2019 Yuasa Hara Law and Patent Firm
- 2019- Joined Mimura Komatsu Law Office
- 2024- Secretary to a member of the House of Representatives (concurrent position)
- July 2024: Completed Fordham Law School Summer Institute
Affiliation/position, etc.
- Policy Secretary to Member of the House of Representatives, Toshiko Abe
- International Humanitarian Platform General Incorporated Association executive director
- Member of the Japan Political Federation of Bar Associations
- Member of Intellectual Property Lawyers Network
- Japan Society for Bioethics Regular member
- Member of the Japan Bioindustry Association
- Citizen committee member of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) project "Research and development on the utilization of samples and information and the promotion of PPI for a society promoting genomic medicine and research"
- Arts & Law Members
Project record
- Copyright lawsuit against JASRAC by music schools nationwide
- Design infringement lawsuit regarding imitation of house design
- Japan's first copyright infringement case through intellectual property mediation
- Lawsuit seeking damages for termination of continuing contract by fashion and apparel company
- Lawsuit by fraud victim against financial institution for return of deposit
- Representation and contract law for domestic and international contemporary art galleries
- Advising artists on international gallery affiliations
- "Considerations on the patent eligibility and legal restrictions of inventions related to genome editing technology for human fertilized embryos in Japan," Paving the way for the future of intellectual property law, a collection of essays in commemoration of the 70th birthday of Professor Ryoichi Mimura (co-author), Nippon Hyoronsha
- "How to Deal with Public Domain Works: Using Mickey Mouse as an Example" Business Law, June 2024 issue
- "The mechanism of transactions surrounding NFT art, legal relations, and potential uses" (Vol. 2022 and 5) Business Legal Affairs, May and June 6 issues
- “Annual Report on Intellectual Property Law 2020-2021” (co-editor) Nippon Hyoronsha
- “Annual Report on Intellectual Property Law 2019-2020” (co-editor) Nippon Hyoronsha
Lecturer at the siente Lunch Seminar "What everyone wants to know about companies, stores, broadcasts, casts, performers, etc.!! How to protect yourself from voyeurism and stalking!" (September 2024)
Lecturer at the siente Lunch Seminar "Companies, shops, broadcasts, casts, performers, etc. Everyone wants to know!! What the law can do about sexual assault" (June 2024)